Steve Hein's

Abuse | Anger | Caring | Caring vs. Control | Common "Negative" or Painful Feelings | Conflict Resolution

Cutting, Self Harm | Depression | Education (Alternative education reading list) | Emotional Abuse

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Mail from Readers | Needs vs. Rights | Pain | Parenting | Personal Growth | Punishment | Respect | Romance

Steve's Personal Stories from Around the World | Teen Suicide | Understanding |

Here is a more complete list of topics

Letter from a teen

my mother is emotionally abusive but she only does it when we are alone. no one believes me and assumes just because i am a teenage girl i am the one at fault. i just put up with it but it is getting worse and it's getting harder to deal with. i found your site and it has really helped me believe that i am not the horrible person she says i am. i am really getting fed up with hearing someone scream "you are a fucking bitch" and every other insult and threat with a voice filled with pure hatred daily. i really just need to know that i'm not really those things and that people don't really act like that. or do they? i don't know.

For more letters see


Suicide has been the leading cause of death in local jails since at least 2000, when the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics began collecting data.

"People who don't want to be controlled by others are called crazy" S. hein may 24 2019 from my journal

If someone is stopping you from getting what you need, they are killing you. S. Hein

A good education would teach you what is wrong with society. S. Hein -- See more quotes here

Education is what others do to you. Learning is what you do for yourself. Anon


May 18 2019- One thing that is bothering me is calling wars, violence, killing and destruction "conflicts". Like calling all the killing and violence in Northern Ireland "The Troubles" - Here is what wikipedia says: "The Troubles was an ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century. Also known internationally as the Northern Ireland conflict."

Or calling the invasion of Afghanistan by the USA in 2003 a conflict. Here is something Wikipedia says about that: "The Iraq War[ was a protracted armed conflict that began in 2003 with the invasion of Iraq by a United States-led coalition that overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein. The conflict continued for much of the next decade." --- So you see they call it an invasion, a war, an armed confict and then a conflict.


March 17 - Interesting article about Freud, sexual abuse, Woody Allen

March 14 - Today Miriam, 22, from Italy, told me she thought of killing herself at 16. She realized she needed to make some changes in her life so she moved to Switzerland while she was stiill 16 to live with her ex-boyfriend. She stayed with him till she was 21 then started traveling around Europe alone. Read more

Do children have a right to friends?

Robert Whitaker

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Other recent items - Jan 25 We are being controlled by people who don't care about us.

Depression is a social illness - not a mental illness

Jan 19 - Update to Phidish page - the word "mitigated" - Also, "jobs for depressed teenagers"

Jan 17 - - Katerina's first article for EQI

Dec 26 Gabor Mate Video - What he says supports most of what I say on this site.

Writing about feeling cared about and teen suicide (on

Phidish New blog entry (pw is 123)




July 9 - Am hosting a traveler from Japan. -more He told me he knew people who were best friends. They spent all their time together stuyding so they could pass the university entrance exam. When they both passed it their parents said, "Now you can do anything you want." They decided what they wanted to do was kill themselves. So they did.

He also told me when he was in high school he didn't pay attention in class. He put in his earphones. The teachers got tired of taking his cell phone and eventually left him alone.



If you would like to read my personal journal, please write me. Steve

Also, I have been thinking a lot about my conflict with people who work for the state government in Delaware, USA. It helps me to talk to people about it. If you are willing to listen to what I have to say about it, I would appreciate it. You can write me at the above email address. Thanks











Feb 20 - Thinking about movie Buck. Did some searches on one of the places used in the movie and then found a site selling horses. Here is a search I did to see how many horses were for sale over 50,000