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Authors, Writers
Master List

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Here are notes from some of the books we have read, plus a few others we recommend.

- S. Hein

Core Topics

Respect | Empathy
Caring | Listening

Other EQI.org Topics:

Emotional Literacy
Invalidation | Hugs
Emotional Abuse |
Feeling Words
Depression |Education
Emotional Intelligence
Parenting | Personal Growth

EQI.org Library and Bookstore

Highly Recommended

Naomi Aldort - Parenting

Nathaniel Branden

Leo Buscaglia

Frederick Douglas

Erich Fromm

Haim Ginott

Thomas Gordon

John Gottman

John Taylor Gatto

Alfie Kohn

Daniel Mackler

Abraham Maslow

Gabor Mate

Alice Miller

Maria Montessori

A.S. Neill - Founder of Summerhill alternative school in England

Howard Zinn

A list of all files on EQI.org
Older/ Classics

Dale Carnegie - Donna Dale Carnegie

Harris - Im Ok You're Ok

Hermann Hesse

Napoleon Hill

John Holt - Critic of American education system

Aldus Huxley

Earl Nightingale - YouTube has some things by him, like Strangest Secret - Motivation

George Orwell

Norman Vincent Peale - YouTube has some things by him, like Strangest Secret - Motivation One link

Henry David Thoreau

Other Authors

Richard Bach

John Backman

Moris Berman

John Bradshaw - Writes about dysfunctional familes, abuse.

Bill Cosby Quotes on Parenting - Humor

Stephen Covey + Stephen_Covey page 2

Myron Dueck - Social Anxiety in Students

Paul Lawrence Dunbar

Wayne Dyer

Milton Friedman

Gallegos - Into Wholeness

Peter Gerlach - Break the Cycle

William Glasser

Dan Goleman - I feel very critical of Goleman, but his book is important to read as a reference.

Peter_Gray - Critic of American school system. Says schools are prisons.

Rosjke Hasseldine

Hazelton - Right to Feel Bad

Herman Hesse

Stephen Hollander/ - I feel mostly critical of his work, but some parts are worth reading.

Marion Hyson - Education

Arthur Janov

Susan Smith Kuczmarski

RD Laing

Celia Lashley - mixed feelings

Pam Leo

If we don't recognize behavior as a communication of need, we try to change the behavior instead of meeting the need being expressed by the behavior. When we address only the behavior we deal with the symptom instead of the cause.

Alice Miller - second set of files

- Essential Role of an Enlightened Witness in Society

Annie Murphy Paul - Critique of Dan Goleman

Robert Myrick - Wrote about peer counseling for high school students

Scott Nearing

Barbara Rogers - Therapist and former assistant to Alice Miller

Pamela Sackett

Dan_Siegal - mixed feelings

Norma Spurlock


Judith Wallerstein - Unexpected Legacy of Divorce

Jack Westman

Daniel_Willingham - I have mixed feelings about Dan's work.






Authors Whose Work I Don't Value/Respect Much

Maurice Elias

Reuven BarOn