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Recovering Americans

Tears started to come to my eyes when I looked at these words....

Hello, my name is Jenna. . .


. . . and I’m a recovering American. :)


I guess it is meant to be a little funny. But I am not laughing.

I got to that page by working on my Catholic page... I started searching for "recovering this" and "recovering that" - Then the big one came to mind... "Recovering Americans:."

I don't think many people will quickly get or understand what I mean. But Amy understood when she read "Hello, my name is Jenna... "

Fuck. It hurts. It hurts to even think of completing that sentence.

This is huge. Not many people know it yet. But it is huge.

The United States has damaged, seriously damaged so many people. And it continues to do so. You can't really appreciate how bad it is, I don't think, unless you have done what I have done -- grown up there, and then moved away. Stayed away. Felt your pain. Become aware. Made connections. Looked for and found cause and effect.

I was never an alcoholic, but I did go to some AA meetings to learn. And I learned a lot. I had a good friend for a while in Florida who went through the AA program. BTW I personally saw him have a couple of beers one day at a party and not keep drinking, so that proved to me it is not a chemical thing as much as an emotional.

Anyhow, so many Americans are so much like alcoholics. For example, they are in denial. They are in pain and they numb themselves in so many ways, distraction, drugs, work... on and on.

America is a HUGE mess. One day, I predict, there will be a huge number of people who realize they were damaged by America and its dysfunction, and they will try to recover, and they will realize it helps to see themselves as one huge group -- Recovering Americans.

If you tell someone you are a recovering alcoholic, a lot of people understand. They have more compassion and patience for you.

I would ask then, that people try to have some compassion and patience for me, for I am a recovering, still very wounded and damaged, American.

S. Hein
Nov 1, 2011
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia


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Steps to Recovery

Trying to think of some steps to recovery...

1. Admit that you have been damaged by America

2. Admit that you have been numbing, avoiding your pain through whatever coping mechanisms you have used.

3. Look at the system. Open your eyes and mind to how it damages people, through its forced schooling, propaganda, competition, unhealthy values, use of fear, bribes, manipulation.

4. Try to leave the system as much as you possibly, practically can. Travel if you can. Stay away as long as you can. Live in other cultures.

5. Avoid associating with other Americans unless a) they are in recovery or b) you are just learning from them.

6. Pay attention. Pay attention to how Americans talk. How they spend their time and money, for that tells you much about their values.

7. Pay attention to how judgmental Americans are. How they feel superior. How they feel insecure, but try to hide their insecurity by being loud, acting over-confident.

8. Study their belief systems. Learn about the dysfunction of their basic belief systems, such as the dysfunction in the Christian and Jewish religions and traditions. (Google recovering catholics, recovering christians, recovering jews)

Recovering Jews

Here is something from a recovering Jew website...

Step 1 in our self-help program for recovering Jews is the recognition of the true nature of Jewishness as a societally harmful mental disorder...

Step 3 is admitting the harm Jews have done to mankind, compensating the victims and asking for forgiveness

The same here could be said about Americans... (except for the two thousand years part)

Jews have a huge problem and it will not go away by ignoring it...Denial causes the problem only to become bigger. It has been around for more than two thousand years, and if we don’t fix it now, the consequences will be catastrophic

But America is more powerful, more influential than Israel. Jews have a lot of power in the USA, but still Americans have much more power now in the world.

Please Google:

Recovering Catholics | EQI page on Catholics

Recovering Christians | EQI page on Christians

Recovering Mormons