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I have a lot of first hand knowledge of the damage caused by the Catholic religion. My father was born into the Catholic church and his funeral service was held in a Catholic church. My cousins on his side of the family all considered themselves Catholics. My first experiences in a Catholic country were in Mexico in the 1990īs 's when I lived in Austin, Texas while getting my MBA degree. I took several trips to Mexico then and later when I moved to Dallas. Then a few years later, in 1998, I went back to Mexico to give a presentation in Mexico City. I stayed in the home of someone who considered himself a Catholic.


I planned to write more but I am have started working on some other writing about depression right now... for example this file.

If you want to learn a lot about how dysfunctional the Catholic, and in fact all god/fear based religions are just google any of the following

recovering catholics

recovering christians


Please also see my page on "recovering americans"


Steve Hein
March 10, 2008

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