Emotional Intelligence |


Steve Hein's Emotional Intelligence Test


Part one - pictures

Part two - reading

Part three - slide show

Note: This test is deliberately not "objective" I want to show that when it comes to emotional problem solving, it depends on your culture, beliefs, values, etc. I also want to show that if there is going to be a "valid" international test of EI, it needs to be more objective than the one Mayer, Caruso and Salovey have created so far.

Part 1

Look at the 4 pictures below and tell me 1) What you think and 2) How you feel. Then tell me how you think this boy is feeling. Then tell me what you think might help him feel better. Then tell me what would help you feel better


Question Group 1

When I look at these pictures:

1. I think...

2. I feel...

3. He is probably feeling...

4. He would probably feel better if...

5. I would feel better if...

Now look at this picture and answer the same questions.



Question Group 2

When I look at these pictures:

1. I think...

2. I feel...

3. She is probably feeling...

4. She would probably feel better if...

5. I would feel better if...


(These pictures were taken November 6, 2004 in Chiclayo, Peru. The parade was created to promote a local private school. Later, I might post more pictures of this parade.)

Part 2

Here is an editorial about Americans. I'd like to know the same kinds of questions... How you feel when you read it and what would help you feel better. And I would like to know how you think the author is feeling and what would help him feel better. And if you want, tell me what country you are from and what religion you have, if any.


Part 3

Here is a slide show about Israel and Palestine.


Same questions as above.

Email all your answers to me. I cannot promise I can reply to everyone, but if you have really interesting answers, I will try to reply.

Steve Hein

By the way, here is my page on other so-called tests of emotional intelligence


Part 4

Read this diary and tell me what mistakes the girl's aunt made and how the girl was feeling and why with respect to how the aunt treated her.