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Konrad Stettbacher

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I apologize I don't have time to fully explain who Stettbacher was. I am still learning myself. But I want to give you an idea.

Very briefly, he was a therapist who Alice Miller once trusted and recommended. She sent her own son to him. The result of that is explained here.

Barbara Rogers mentions Stettbacher in her review of Martin Miller's book about his mother, Alice Miller. She wrote the review for the German edition of Amazon.com, then she translated it to English. Here is my copy.And here is the English Version of Original on Barbara's site.

Barbara also brings up Stettbacher several times in her letter to Alice Miller when she and Alice had a major conflict which lead to a painful break between them.

Here is a website called the stettbacher/miller controversy

It starts out like this (as of nov 3 2013 i have not read this all yet but i did search for these terms, betrayal, betrayed, betray and "martin" - and no matches were found so on first glance it seems the author is not aware of the "Martin Miller/Konrad Stettbacher" incident. (see below)

Alice Miller wrote her Communication to my Readers, telling she changed her mind about self-help with Stettbacher’s therapy. Why did she do this?

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The Stettbacher Indicent with Martin Miller

This is written by Barbara Rogers on this page of her site

.... when the young man, in his late twenties, plunged into a crisis, and his mother wanted to coerce him into treatment with her guru, the Bernese "primal therapist" Konrad Stettbacher. He swore by forcing his victims into regression as they had to remain for days in a dark cell, in order to promote "catharsis." Desperately, Martin Miller agreed in 1992 to enter treatment with a student of Stettbacher. The audiotape recordings of the sessions were passed on, behind the patient's back, to the "guru" who discussed it all with mother Miller. Ultimate betrayal. Stettbacher even induced Alice Miller to thwart the approbation of her "infantile" son. "It was a time of persecution," writes Martin Miller, "I received threatening letters, she alleged that I had lied, she accused me of failure, and worse." In this hell, the son was close to suicide. His famous mother saw him as a "monster."

The Inability to Empathize with the Own Son

Martin Miller sued Stettbacher and was proven right. The guru that also allegedly sexually abused patients was unmasked as a charlatan, and Alice Miller instructed the Suhrkamp publishing house to delete the hymns to the man from her books. In a letter of May 28, 1998, she apologized to her son, she had not wanted to be a possessive, hate-filled, dangerous, destructive mother. But now she was old enough to bear the truth. "I was able to empathize with so many people, only with my son I could not empathize."