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Hannah's Support Group

Hannah is 14. She tried to overdose on pills earlier this year. Now she has created an online support group. Unless I am being fooled again, this is one incredible person. Here are her first two one of her first entries:

About the members

Hi my name is Hannah, I'm 14 years old and I created Hurting inside. I've been having some problems in my life but I think everyone needs someone to talk to sometimes. If you want to join or just need someone to talk to then email me at ....@Hotmail.com.

As you can see there are not many members at the moment (erm...4) so please join. Want to know more about me...?

I have longish blonde hair (sometimes tipped with pink), green eyes and sticky out ears. I try and have my own unique style of clothes and I love tops with long, draping sleaves. I'm always chatting and I like listening to music, surfing the web and crystal healing (don't laugh). I'm a bit of a new- age veggie freak too :)

Want to Join?

This is a support group for teens on this site with problems to let them come for help and advice or to feel better. It was going to be a kind of depressing site where everyone made each other feel worse but whats the point in that? I don't want to make a diary that will trigger cutting or bullimia. This is now officialy a site to help people and that's what it's going to do. It's for people to stick together and work things out. It will be a place where you can post helplines and inpirational things. We CAN help each other and ourselfs. Whether you are being bullied, abused or are just feeling really depressed then just leave a note on the most recent entry with your email (or I'll give you mine if your worried) and I'll send you all the information you need to know.

"Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. We listen to what you don't say"

Show your true colours

You with the sad eyes, Don't be discouraged

Oh I realise

It's hard to take courage, In a world full of people

You can lose sight of it all, and the darkness inside you

Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colours, Shining through

I see your true colours, and that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show, Your true colours

True colours are beautiful, Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then, Don't be unhappy, can't remember

When I last saw you laughing

If this world makes you crazy, and you've taken all you can bear

You call me up, Because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colours, Shining through

I see your true colours, and that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show, Your true colours

True colours are beautiful, Like a rainbow

I can't remember, when I last saw you laughing

If this world makes you crazy, and you've taken all you can bear

You call me up, Because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colours, Shining through

I see your truecolours, and that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show

Your true colours, true colours

True colours are shining through

I see your true colours, and that's why I love you

So don't be afraid to let them show, Your true colours

True colours are beautiful, Like a rainbow

Here are some helpful sites that you may find useful:

www.girland.com: A girls site with all the usual- cringe moments, interactive novels etc but also contains one of the best (in my opinion) problem boards for teens on the web.


http://www.survive.org.uk/ (A site for survivors of sexual abuse)



I'll add more soon
Help lines 7/11/2003
Need some one too talk to? Want some advice? Call one of the numbers below:

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0800 800500

Missing Persons Bureau Helpline: 0500 700700

Rape Crisis Centre: 020 7837 1600

Rape Crisis Federation: 0115 934 8474 / http://www.rapecrisis.co.uk

Drugs telephone information service: 0141 4201188

Eating Disorders Association: 01603 621414

British Pregnancy Advisory Service: 01564 793225

Manic Depression self-help support: 0181 9746550

Careline -offers counselling and advice on any subject 020 8514 1177

Youth Access - provides numbers for counselling/ advisory services 020 8514 1177

Family-line UK - support for family with problems 0845 756 7800

National Phobics Society 0161 227 9898 / www.phobics-society.org.uk

Lesbian and Gay Switchboard 020 7837 7324

The Samaritans 0845 7 909090 - & Samaritans' e-mail: jo@samaritans.org

Women's Aid National Helpline 0131 475 2372 - & Women's Aid for help in finding local support 0345 023468

Anti Bullying Campaign (counselling and advice) 020 7378 1446

The British Association For Counselling 01788 550899

Cruse Bereavement Care (offers counselling for the bereaved) 0345 585565

Alateen (advice for teens with alcohol concerns) 020 7403 0888

Talk Adoption (helps those involved in adoption) 0808 8081234

Youth 2 Youth (support and advice available) 020 8896 3675

Get Connected (for young people who have/are thinking of running away) 0800 096 0096

Gay and Lesbian Legal Advice 020 7837 5212

Homes for homeless people 0800 243675

DIAL (disability information) 01302 310123

National Association for Children of Alcoholics 0800 567123

Lifeline 0800 716701

Rape and Abuse Line 080 8000 0123

Shelterline 080 8800 4444

Terrence Higgins Trust (information/support for people living with HIV/Aids) 020 7242 1010

Victim Support 01703 234883


Prevent Child Abuse: 1-800-CHILDREN - 1-800-244.53736

National Runaway Hotline: 1-800-621-4000 http://www.nrscrisisline.org

"A 24-hour hotline for when you just need someone to talk to about the stress of growing up.

You don't have to be a runaway to call."

The Covenant House: 1-800-999-9999

(will set you up with a service in your area)

Children of the Night: 1-800-551-1300

A runaway crisis hotline, but you dont have to be running away to call.

Talk, 24hrs a day about anything. If they cant help,

they will refer you to someone who can.

KidsRights: 1-800-892-5437

Provides info to parents & teens for suicide prevention programs

New National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)


Suicide Prevention Hot Line:1-800-827-7571

National Mental Health Association:1- 800-969-6642 (9AM-5PM Mon-Fri)

information on mental health topics,referrals, access to an info specialist


Mennigers(depression treatment 1-800-288-0317 ext. 5451

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

1-800-843-7274 or www.1-800-THERAPIST.com

Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-448-4663

Cutting yourself?: 1-800-dontcut (366-8288)

Christian Teen Helpline: 1-800-394-HOPE

National Runaway Switchboard TDD: 1-800-621-0394

National Hotline for Missing & Exploited Children: 1-800-843-5678

National Hotline Boys Town: 1-800-448-3000

Youth Development International: 1-800-HIT-HOME


Online Kids Counseling Kids Free Help Line: 1-800-551-800

Child Abuse Prevention Services: 1.800.688.009

Child Protection and Family Crisis Service: 1-800-066-777

Domestic Violence Service: 1-800-656-463

Advocate for Survivors of Child Abuse: 1.300.657 .80

Helpline Online Mental illness information and referral: 1.800.817.569

Crisis Line, Information, Counselling :1.800.622.112

Lifeline: 131.114

Abortion Grief Counselling: 1300.363.550

Care Ring: 136.169

Crisis Care Unit: 131.611

Family Drug Support: 1300.368.186

SANE helpline: 1800.688.382

Suicide Prevention (Recording): 1300.360.980

Lawstuff (legal rights for people under 18)

Victorian Helplines:

Aids Line: (03) 9347.6099

Alcohol and Drugs:Counselling, Information and Referral Service - (03) 9416.1818

Family Drug Support: 1300.368.186

Gay & Lesbian Switchboard: Counselling, referral & information -

Country Vic: 1.800.631.493 Melbourne Metro: 03.9827.8544

Griefline:Support for those experiencing loss in death and health concerns 9596 7799

GROW:Mutual support and self help groups - 9890 9846

LifeLine - Suicide Helpline: 1.300.651.251

Men's Referral Service:concerned about their anger or violence 1800.065.973

Women's Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria: 1.800.015.188

Beyond Blue: National Depression Initiative (03) 9810 6100

Lifeline (03) 9662.1000

National Association for Loss and Grief: (03) 9688.4768

Compassionate Friends (03) 9882.3355

Centre of Adolescent Health (03) 9345.5890

Stopover Emergency Youth Accommodation (03) 9347.0822

South Australian Numbers:

Birthline Pregnancy Support (08) 8363.1444

Living Hope Counselling and Support (08) 8277.4033

Living Hope (youth call) (08) 8277.4400

Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa Association Inc. (08) 8212.1644

Ways to stop cutting 7/11/2003
Here are some ideas of how to stop self harming on the list our some of my own and other people's ideas. When I was surfing the web I came across a brilliant site called SIAM which deals with self harm so I also pulled some ideas from there:

Throw ice- Someone told me a good way to stop is when you feel down to hold ice but I found that throwing ice was easier. Just go outside with some ice cubes and throw them so hard on the patio they shatter. Problem is you have to have a patio...

Play dough- Roll out some playdough and cut it with a knife

Tea and coffee- When you feel really angry, drink a cup of coffee-----two teaspoons and little sugar. It's like your bitterness will be transferred into the bitter coffee (submitted by broken angelle)

The 15 Minute Rule

- Hold off for 15 minutes. If you then still have the urge to harm yourself, you can. Before you do, try another 15 minutes. Again, at the end it's up to you. See how long you can go without giving in. You have the control.


- Write a poem, lyrics for a song or just start to write about anything that comes into your head and don't stop writing until you run out of things to say. Once you've finished writing, keep it in a box, or burn it without looking.


- Draw random patterns, or draw anything that comes to mind. Even just squiggling really hard on paper can help sometimes.


- Get a box, or even a doll or teddy. Decorate it. Make your doll into a punk, style its hair, give it awful make up. Cover it in tattoo's. Someone mentioned that covering a teddy in bandaids or bandages can help.

Smash old stuff

- Collect jars and bottles. When you are angry take them to the bottle bank and throw them into the recycle bins as hard as you can. (Please don't smash them at home, it can be dangerous)

Throw a ball

- Throw a tennis ball at a wall as hard as you can and catch it again. Preferably outside or somewhere where it won't smash things.


- go for a run, run as fast as you can. If you cant go out, run up and down stairs or from one end of a room to the other.

Cut up clothing

- Get some old clothing and chop holes in it. Damage the clothes instead of yourself.


- have a look for funny sites on the net. Do a google search for "kids games", or "fun stuff".

Body Paint

- Draw on your body with body paints or markers and felt tips (preferably ones that wash off!) Try writing good things about yourself on the bits of you that you don't like so much.

Watch a Movie

- Put on your favorite "feel good" film.

Bandage yourself

- put bandages on your arms and legs and anywhere else you'd like to injure.

Write down your good points

- Write down all your good points on a piece of paper at a time when you are feeling good about yourself then look at them when you feel like cuttinh


- Keep a calendar especially for this purpose. Put a sticker on each day that you don't harm yourself. At the end of each week look back at which days you hurt yourself. Try to beat that next week. If you get a month full of stickers, buy yourself a treat, like a new top or something.


- roll a giant ball of blue tack around in your hands, play with it, make things, smoosh it.

Gluey Arm

- Paint some non-toxic glue onto your arm, let it dry and then peel it off.

Hey, I just joined 7/17/2003


I just joined this diary. My name's Stacy. I'm 15 & I'm a spoiled brat... I don't come from one of those abusive families or poverty settings, that's why I say I am a spoiled brat for still complaining and still having problems. I know everyone has problems, but sometimes I feel like I'm just stupid about them... did that make any sense?

I hate to start off w/ complaining about my problems... but I dunno, is that what I'm supposed to do in this diar? Talk about the things that are hurting me?

Anyways, the things that I struggle w/ that I'll prolly write on here are: My weight (fasting, throwing up), & cutting... but I haven't throwin up in almost 2 weeks & I haven't cut in like a week... so hopefully, I won't be writing about those very much.

I'll prolly write in later too. I have to go now.


Welcome to Hurting inside :)

Your not a spoilt brat at all, if you feel like you need to make yourself throw up and cut yourself oviously something is wrong. It's how you feel and you need someone to talk to. That's why I set up this whole support group, so you can vent your feelings. Well done for holding back on cutting and being sick.

