EQI Home | Teen Suicide

How EQI is Different

We are very different than the majority of teen suicide websites. And we are proud of that. Here are some ways we are different...

"You are not alone"

How many times have you heard this or seen it on websites?

Well here is what we think.

First, you probably ARE alone!

If you are not, you might be better off if you WERE! - This is because most of the people around you a) don't have a clue about how you are really feeling or why b) don't have a clue about depression in general or c) don't care or maybe they do but they don't know how to help and so they just make things worse.

But if you want to feel less alone, we offer you this book of letters from teens.... We believe this is more helpful than just telling you "You are not alone"


By the way, telling someone you are not alone is like saying "you are loved" etc. But if you don't feel loved, then that is what matters. Also, you might even believe or "know" your parents love you, but do they like you? Do they accept you? Understand you? Approve of you? Chances are they don't, and that is more important than just them "loving" you. A lot of the time the parents don't even know the real you. They love what they want you to be maybe, but they don't really love you as you are. If they did, you wouldn't feel suicidal.


"Talk to your parents"

It is VERY unlikely you will ever see this advice on our site or hear it from one of our volunteer counselors. We don't think you are stupid. We think that you are smart enough to know that you can't be honest with your parents. If you could have been, you would have been by now. Parents of suicidal teens typically just make things worse. We understand that. So we are not going to say "Talk to your parents"!

You don't need a website to tell you to talk to the people you have been living with all your life. lol


"Don't talk to anyone who is depressed or suicidal"

Our response to this is: who else is going to understand how you feel? We have set up the chat support group for people like you, who are depressed, suicidal and self harming. And we believe this is much better than talking to someone who doesn't understand.


"If your friend tells you they are going to kill themselves, and asks you not to tell anyone, tell them anyhow. It is better to make your friend angry at you than to let them kill themselves."

This is almost convincing. Almost.... The reason we don't believe this is your friend probably has no one, that's right NO ONE they can trust. If you betray their trust, this will rule you out as anyone they will be honest with in the future. Your gamble may pay off, or they might feel MORE ALONE. We don't advise taking the chance of betraying their tust. We do recommend you spend time with them. Show you care. Don't do anything to try to control them. Don't contact any authorities. They desperately need your trust. Authorities are paid to control. Your friend needs someone who cares, not controls. And someone who understands.

Understanding and caring are the two best ways you can help.