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Feeling Thankful


I feel thankful for my partner right now. Appreciative, grateful.

I was just reading something written by a teen when I started to cry....here is what I was reading...


Nelia : yeah, but not just only that. I’ve got an online therapy to help my depression since yesterday.
Mom : why did you need a therapy dear?
Nelia : I was so depressed mom. I even had the thoughts of cutting myself. I still have sometimes when I can’t bear it.
Mom : oh, honey. What did I do to you?
Nelia : You invalidated me mom. You guilt
tripped me. 

I am just abour starting to cry again now, seeing it again....

But I will get "back on task" as the Americans say.

I feel thankful for my partner because I know that she would hold me while I cried. She has saved my life, almost if not actually literally. I felt too alone before P came to help me. It was almost unbearable at times. I thought of killing myself, many, many times.

I've said before, I'm sure that I feel cared about and understood by P. I want to use her full name but she prefers I don't btw. I want people to know who she is and how special she is. At least she is special to me. In all the years I have been doing this incredibly painful work, she is the only person in the world who has stuck with me for so long. I am unbelievably hard to live with, to be around 24 7. I am intensely needy. And she and I are different in many ways. We have many, many conflicts of needs or NC's. I sometimes cause her a lot of pain. I often can't fill all of her needs. But she has stayed with me. And I am very, very, very thankful for that.

S. Hein
Mar 2, 2012
Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

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