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vs. Controlling Parents
A formal
study has shown that parents who are "neglectful and
controlling" are damaging their children's mental
health. This is, by the way, what we have been saying for
years here at EQI.org. But now formal academic research
is supporting our position.
Here is one
of the most important findings
Teenage girls were six times
more likely to suffer from depressive disorders
than those in the optimum parenting
group, where parents are perceived as being
caring but not controlling.
Note that this study was not even trying to
identify abusive parents, simply neglectful. So
what if a study could identify the emotionally abusive
parents? Our guess that it would prove that the children
and teens from such parents are something like 100 times
more likely to later be depressed, self-harming and
Here is one
article about the study.
and controlling parents linked to mental health
problems in children
Childrens perception of how they are
parented is a major predictor of whether they
will develop mental health problems as teenager,
according to research by the University of
Glasgow and the Medical Research Council.
Data from almost 1,700 children living in the
West of Scotland was analysed by researchers at
the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life
Sciences and the MRC Social & Public Health
Sciences Unit (SPHSU).
It revealed that three per cent of 11 year-old
children felt both neglected and controlled by
their parents. When the children were tested at
age 15, this group were much more likely to have
developed psychiatric problems.
Children were grouped according to
parenting style, with the study
revealing that the neglected and
controlled group were more than twice as
likely to develop psychiatric disorders. These
included anxiety disorders such as
obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and
behavioural disorders.
Conduct disorders such as antisocial and violent
behaviour and attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) were also much more prominent in
this group. Teenage girls were six times more
likely to suffer from depressive disorders than
those in the optimum parenting group,
where parents are perceived as being caring but
not controlling.
Parenting style was assessed using a
questionnaire, taking into account the extent to
which the children felt loved, allowed to make
their own decisions, molly-coddled or supported,
amongst other factors. At age 15, psychiatric
data was collected by computerised interview.
Robert Young, of the SPHSU, said:
It is important that we do not trivialise
childrens perceptions of parenting,
particularly having seen in this study how early
feelings about parenting, map onto
childrens future mental health and
psychological wellbeing. We now need to establish
whether the effects are caused by the perception
of neglect, actual neglect, or some combination
of both.
Co-author, Dr Helen Minnis, of the
Universitys School of Medicine, added:
It is remarkable that despite the wide
range of parenting styles reported in the study;
the majority of childrens experience of
parenting is good enough, and less
than perfect parenting is not associated with
major psychiatric problems during adolescence.
That said, it seems that children with better
perceived parental relationships have fewer
psychiatric problems as teenagers.
Professor Chris Kennard, Chairman of the
MRCs Neuroscience and Mental Health Board,
Whilst only three per cent of children
reported the neglectful and controlling parenting
which was associated with increased psychiatric
disorders, when the implications are expanded
this equates to a large number of children
nationwide. We must also consider the possibility
that developing disorders in childhood increases
the risk of more serious problems in adulthood,
both for the individual and for society in
general. A core part of the MRCs strategy
focuses on mental health, and this study gives
clear indications of the importance of the home
environment in maintaining mental
MRC Press Office
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Email: press.office@headoffice.mrc.ac.uk
The paper Childrens perceptions of
parental emotional neglect and control and
psychopathology by Young, Lennie and Minnis
was published on March 24 in the Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry. It is available online
Details of Parental Bonding Instrument
(PBI) method
The measure of perceived parental style used in
the study is the brief current form of the
Parental Bonding Instrument. This is an 8-item
questionnaire which asks children about the
relationship they have with their parents, e.g.
My parents are loving or My
parents try to control everything I do or
My parents understand my problems and
worries, with three options almost
always, sometimes and
Analysis of the responses from 2583 11-year old
children identified four groups of perceived
parenting. 20% could be describe as
optimal (loving and non-controlling);
54% as typical; 23% moderate
(somewhat tougher, but still loving) and 3% as
neglectful and controlling (unloving
and highly controlling) parenting.
Details of Voice-DISC assessment
Psychiatric assessment used a computerised
version of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for
Children and Adolescence. This is a standard
method of assessment compatible with the American
Psychiatric Associations, Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual IV. The assessment takes
between 30-90 minutes, depending on the
seriousness of any psychiatric problems, with
qualified psychiatric staff on-hand.
Young people answer a series of questions
typically used in a psychiatric assessment. For
example, thoughts about suicide and arson, and
delusions and hallucinations are considered.
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