In an emotionally ntelligent society the main approach to understanding human behavior, solving problems and resolving conflicts would be based on the belief that all humans have certain basic emotional needs. These needs include the need to feel loved, cared about, connected, safe, understood, valued etc. (See the section on human emotional needs for more.) In an emotionally intelligent society, it would be widely understood that behavioral problems begin when these basic emotional needs are not met. This approach is in lne with the idea that all behavior is motivated by an attempt to fill some need. Given this perspective, it would makes sense, then, that if we were to intelligently identify and understand our emotional needs, and we intelligently woked towards filling those needs on a timely basis, there would be far fewer social problems.

In any society, people's needs are inter-dependent. In other words, we all depend on and help each other to survive and prosper. This means communication is necessary, and a big part of that is communicating our specific needs.


Among those needs are our emotional needs.

When there is any degree of insecurity within the society,

it helps if we can communicate those needs in the least threatening or agressive way. The more insecure the general environment, the more important such non-threatening communication is. In any society it is also vital that the each person clearly understand the other. Perhaps this is also more important in insecure envioronments, since misunderstandings can quickly lead to defensiveness, resentment or hostility. An emotionally intelligent society would therefore be one in which there is clear and efficient communication of emotional needs. In such a society basic emotional literacy would be taught along with basic computer liteacy. By basic emotional literacy we mean the ability to describe feelings with simple three word sentences such as "I feel neglected, I feel appreciated , I feel undersood." A practical refinement to this is the use of a 0-10 scale, for example, "I feel understood 8." (See more on emotional literacy.)

In an emotionally intelligent society, emotions would be valued and validated. Emotional invalidation, now common in all societies around the world, would vitually cease to exist. Emotional abuse and neglect would likewise be something only read about in history books.


Jobs fo EI People

- Mediators

feelings = data
use the data to make decisions
to predict
to learnxplain

intelligent x (home, society, person) places value on the things that are truely important